I have sat through medical conferences where each specialist tries to convince the audience that diseases of his/ her speciality are very important, are being neglected and need more and urgent attention. Thus health problems and their importance becomes a function of who is talking at the moment.
But environment concerns are different. It is not about one's point of view. Environment affects all of us. Worse still; one person's actions can harm someone else, even several kilometers or countries away. Environment is for everyone- and the concerns belong to all of us. But each one of us will have to find a 'level' depending on one's knowledge, personality style and time that can be set aside.
Purposeful Environment damager- In my estimation this must be a very hypothetical person- a person who willfuly and knowingly damages environment.
Environment Indifferent- These people do not really know the concepts neither care for the environment or nature. Their idea of a lovely day out could be driving to the mall round the corner in their AC SUV, eating out of disposables over there, having a few ice creams on the way back- the left overs discharged on the road and come back home to sleep under 3 blankets in AC comfort at 14C when ambient temperature is around 20C. Another example is of people who visit Byculla Zoo and sneak in plastic bottles and chips 'for the kids'- they harass the animals by throwing stones and promptly throw the bottles into the crocodile pond (of course- when no one is looking).
Environment neutral- These people know a bit about the environment. They will usually respond to being fined for carrying plastic into National Park. They want to avoid trouble- to themselves and by chance to the environment. They may not consciously think about environment or could be confused about things like 'whether to use plastic cups or paper cups?', but will not persevere to find the answer. Rules and enforcement will work here.
Environment conscious- These people are usually well informed. They will make sure to throw stuff only in dust-bin, talk softly in forest areas and call the fire department if a crow in stuck in manja. But they cannot do without disposables, SUVs and ACs in winter.
Environment friendly- These people will take the trouble of thawing the milk before boiling it to save energy (or better still- not to boil- as pasteurised milk does not need boiling). Items like solar cookers, solar lamps, home compost kits, bicycles, battery powered cars, etc may be found with them. They are quite conversant with terms like STP, Birding, bio diversity and may have even done some or other course related to environment and its management
Environment activism- These people tell others, teach others- particularly they like to engage with 'authorities and establishment'. They write letters, take out marches, petitions and even file PILs to save environment.
Environmental terrorist- The most extreme form of environmentalism. Indicated by acts like sabotaging websites, causing physical harm, etc to obstruct anti- environment activities.
So who are you? At what level is your environmentalism?
But environment concerns are different. It is not about one's point of view. Environment affects all of us. Worse still; one person's actions can harm someone else, even several kilometers or countries away. Environment is for everyone- and the concerns belong to all of us. But each one of us will have to find a 'level' depending on one's knowledge, personality style and time that can be set aside.
Purposeful Environment damager- In my estimation this must be a very hypothetical person- a person who willfuly and knowingly damages environment.
Environment Indifferent- These people do not really know the concepts neither care for the environment or nature. Their idea of a lovely day out could be driving to the mall round the corner in their AC SUV, eating out of disposables over there, having a few ice creams on the way back- the left overs discharged on the road and come back home to sleep under 3 blankets in AC comfort at 14C when ambient temperature is around 20C. Another example is of people who visit Byculla Zoo and sneak in plastic bottles and chips 'for the kids'- they harass the animals by throwing stones and promptly throw the bottles into the crocodile pond (of course- when no one is looking).
Environment neutral- These people know a bit about the environment. They will usually respond to being fined for carrying plastic into National Park. They want to avoid trouble- to themselves and by chance to the environment. They may not consciously think about environment or could be confused about things like 'whether to use plastic cups or paper cups?', but will not persevere to find the answer. Rules and enforcement will work here.
Environment conscious- These people are usually well informed. They will make sure to throw stuff only in dust-bin, talk softly in forest areas and call the fire department if a crow in stuck in manja. But they cannot do without disposables, SUVs and ACs in winter.
Environment friendly- These people will take the trouble of thawing the milk before boiling it to save energy (or better still- not to boil- as pasteurised milk does not need boiling). Items like solar cookers, solar lamps, home compost kits, bicycles, battery powered cars, etc may be found with them. They are quite conversant with terms like STP, Birding, bio diversity and may have even done some or other course related to environment and its management
Environment activism- These people tell others, teach others- particularly they like to engage with 'authorities and establishment'. They write letters, take out marches, petitions and even file PILs to save environment.
Environmental terrorist- The most extreme form of environmentalism. Indicated by acts like sabotaging websites, causing physical harm, etc to obstruct anti- environment activities.
So who are you? At what level is your environmentalism?
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