Monday, December 22, 2014

Do you want to plant a tree?

Last week I visited the garden Department of K East ward, MCGM, Gundavli (Andheri East) to make some enquiries. The garden Department is in charge of all tress and plants and open spaces and gardens in a particular ward.

I was accorded a very cordial Welcome and given all information patiently. Our officer now visits all gardens on a weekly basis- that sounds great. He is in his first year of service- so a big thumbs up to the young officer and hopes that he will not 'grow out of his enthusiasm' like many others do.

So- if you want to plant a tree, you only need to inform this officer- the MCGM will provide the sapling, will help to dig a trench to plant it. If tree is on private property, the owner has to take care of the tree. All public areas are the wards of MCGM. They water the plants and keep a watch over them, anyone troubling the plants is penalised. The saplings are sturdy and healthy 15 ft plants- so their survival is not so difficult. The best news- all the trees are native species- no exotic species are promoted. This last one made me happy. As planting native trees will ensure their survival and the survival of birds, insects and other local fauna- so our environment can really be protected.

So what are we waiting for. Do visit the garden department as soon as possible and help to plant a tree. Make our Parle East, lovely and green- one tree at a time.

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